Getting started with Vessel

Step 1: Download

  1. Login to Vessel Command Center
  2. Add your application
  3. Get Vessel Secret Key
  4. Download the Android SDK:
    Android SDK

Step 2: Install

  1. Unzip the SDK package./li>
  2. Import vesselsdk.jar into your existing Android project by extracting it to your "libs" folder.
  3. If your project does not have a "libs" folder, create one at the root of the project by right-clicking the project and choosing "New" and then select "Folder".
  4. iOS step 6

Getting started with Vessel

  1. Cocopod Users

      1. Open Podfile in your Xcode project directory, add following:
      2. $ edit Podfile
        platform :ios, '6.0'
        pod 'ABTestingVessel'
      3. Now you can install the dependencies in your project:
      4. $ pod install
      5. Make sure to always open the Xcode workspace instead of the project file when building your project:
      6. $open App.xcworkspace
      7. Open your AppDelegate.m file import Vessel header using the command below.

        #import <Vessel/Vessel.h>

        To initilize Vessel Framework add the following line to application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function.

        Vessel *sharedInstance = [Vessel sharedInstance];
        [sharedInstance initializeWithAppSecret:@"YOUR_SECRET_KEY"];
  2. Setup

    1. Download framework

    2. Vessel requires Xcode v4.6 and above and Apple devices running iOS 6.0 or higher.

    3. Unzip the downloaded file and drag the Vessel.framework folder into your Xcode project folder target.

      iOS step 1

    4. Ensure the "Copy items to destination's group folder" checkbox is checked and "add to targets" is selected.

      iOS step 2

  3. Add dependencies

    1. Choose you project in Xcode

    2. Select your App name under targets

    3. Click the Build Phases tab

    4. Expand Link Binary With Libraries as shown below

      iOS step 5

    5. Click the plus (+) button on the lower left of the Link Binary With Libraries section.

    6. Add the following frameworks:

      • SystemConfiguration.framework
      • Security.framework
      • libsqlite3.dylib

      iOS step 6

Getting started with Vessel

Step 1: Download

  1. Login to Vessel Command Center
  2. Add your application
  3. Get Vessel Secret Key
  4. Download the Android SDK and iOS framework:
    Android SDK   iOS Framework

Step 1: Add plugin to you project

$ phonegap local plugin add

    // To ensure if its added correctly execute following command
    $phonegap local plugin list
    [phonegap] com.vessel.abplugin 

    //Soon it will be available in official plugin directory.

Step 2: Initialize Vessel A/B Platform

After adding plugin open your main / index.html file and add

Attach Event listener on "deviceready" method as follows

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

    function onDeviceReady() {
    // Now safe to use the PhoneGap API

    // Initialize Vessel A/B testing platform. You can simply initialize it once.
    function(){console.log("VesselSDK Init done.");},
    function(error){ console.log("an error occurred:" + error); },

Step 3: For iOS platform

In case if you experience any problem while building your application for iOS platform then verify

  1. Make sure Vessel.Framework is correctly linked, If not link it from libs folder of plugin.
  2. Make sure libsqlite3.dylib is correctly linked, If not click of Build Settings > Link Binary with Libraries and add libsqlite3.dylib.
  3. If its still giving you problem, then go to Build Settings > Compile Sources settings. And make sure VesselPlugin.m is listed their. If its missing please add VesselPlugin.m in your project.

Getting started with Vessel

Step 1: Register Application and get Secret Key

  1. Login to Vessel Command Center
  2. Add your application
  3. Get Vessel Secret Key

Step 2: Get the Android and iOS Modules

  1. Download Titanium Modules:
    Android Module   iOS Module
  2. Drag the .zip files from the download location into the project, placing it at the root of the project. Choose to "Copy Files".

Step 3: Add module entry to tiapp.xml

Open the tiapp.xml and add the following entries.

  <!-- Other modules can be present here -->
  <module platform="android" version="1.0">io.vessel</module>
  <module platform="iphone" version="1.0">io.vessel</module>

Step 4: Initialize Vessel A/B Platform

After adding module, VesselSDK should be initialized in app.js as follows.

var VesselSDK = require('io.vessel');

Getting started with Vessel

Step 1: Register Application and get Secret Key

  1. Login to Vessel Command Center
  2. Add your application
  3. Get Vessel Secret Key

Step 2: Install

  1. Download the Windows SDK:
    Windows SDK
  2. Add VesselSDK.dll to your project's references in Visual Studio.

Step 3: Permissions

In WMAppManifest.xml go to Capabilities tab. Make sure the following options are enabled:


Step 4: Initialize Vessel A/B Platform

Add sdk initialization to App.xaml.cs:

using Vessel;
    private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)