Vessel allows you to publish & A/B test your rich media assets including images, videos, promotional ads etc.
Give unique name to your asset. Then select asset you want to deliver for each variation.
Coming soon.
Vessel allows you to publish & A/B test your rich media assets including images, videos, promotional ads etc.
Give unique name to your asset. Then select asset you want to deliver for each variation.
Get the image associated with a given test variation variable. If there is none associated or the test failed to load then the will execute failure block.
[VesselAB fromTest:@"asset_demo" getImageFor:@"ads_assets" success:^(UIImage *variationImage) {
// Get Image and show.
} failureBlock:^{
// Show your default image
/** Returns the assetUrl associated with a given test asset variation variable. If there is none associated or the test failed to load then the defaultValue is returned.
@param testName The test name from which variation variable needs to be retrieved.
@param variableKey The variableKey whose value is to the retrieved.
@param defaultValue In case there is no variation variable named variationVariable or if the test failed to load then the defaultValue is returned.
NSString *variationAssetUrl = [VesselAB fromTest:@"asset_demo" getAssetUrl:@"ads_assets" defaultValue:@"YOUR_DEFAULT_URL"];