Onboarding test

Let assume you want to test, which sign up screen A or B drives more user signups. To do so create test and define variation controls.

Onboarding A/B Test

Instrument your landing test in your activity as follows

     * This method set ABListener and gives call back when test is loaded or
     * failed.
     * @param ABListener
    VesselAB.getVariationForTest("YOUR_TEST_NAME", new ABListener() {

        public void testNotAvailable(TestVariation arg0) {
            // Test is not available, show default user flow

        public void testAvailable(String s, TestVariation variation) {
            // if we have variation B then show onboarding or control show home.
            if(variation == TestVariation.B){
                // Show new onboarding user flow.
               // Show old onboarding user flow.

Onboarding test

Let assume you want to test, which sign up screen A or B drives more user signups. To do so create test and define variation controls.

Onboarding A/B Test

Instrument your landing test in your View Controller as follows

/** Returns a variation returned by the Vessel server.
 @param testName - Look up and load variation for given test.
 @param success This block is called when the test is retrieved successfully from the Vessel server.
 @param failure This block is called when the test fails to load.

    [VesselAB getVariationForTest:@"YOUR_TEST_NAME" WithSuccessBlock:^(NSString *testName, VesselABTestVariation variation) {
        if (variation == VesselABTestVariationB) {
            // Show Variation B

        } else {
            // Show Variation A or go to default screen.
    } failureBlock:^{
        // Show default flow.

Onboarding test

Let assume you want to test, which sign up screen A or B drives more user signups. To do so create test and define variation controls.

Onboarding A/B Test
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

    function onDeviceReady() {
        // Set Vessel AB listener, in other pages.
            // Now test is available you can check which variation is looded 
            // and decide 
            console.log("Test is available");
            }, function(error){
                console.log("Test is not available");

        // Show default screen 

Onboarding test

Let assume you want to test, which sign up screen A or B drives more user signups. To do so create test and define variation controls.

Onboarding A/B Test

Instrument your apps.js to load the screen as follows

var VesselSDK = require('io.vessel');

    VesselSDK.setABListener(function(resp) {

        // Sucessfully loaded AB Test
        if (e.test == 'testName') {
            if (e.variation == 'A') {
            // Open variation A UI
            } else if (e.variation == 'B') {
            // Open variation B UI
    function (e) {
        // No test
        Ti.API.info('Vessel No test');
        // Open default.

Onboarding test

Let assume you want to test, which sign up screen A or B drives more user signups. To do so create test and define variation controls.

Onboarding A/B Test

Instrument your landing test in your page's code-behind as follows

public partial class HomePage : PhoneApplicationPage
        // Constructor
        public HomePage()
            Loaded += HomePage_Loaded;

        void HomePage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            VesselAB.setABListener(new MyCallbacks());

        class MyCallbacks : ABListener
            public void testLoading()
              // Show loading

            public void testLoaded(String testName, TestVariation variation)
              // Check which variation control is loaded 
              // if A or B -> Show new landing screen experience


            public void testNotAvailable(TestVariation variation)
              // Show default screen
